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Vanessa Raponi, a graduate of the University of Leicester’s Law School, holds a Juris Doctor and an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from York University. Her academic and professional journey has equipped her with a formidable set of skills beneficial for practical business solutions in the legal field.

During her tenure at the University of Leicester, Vanessa significantly enhanced her legal research skills through her active participation in the Pro Bono Society. She focused on environmental and human rights law, conducting in-depth research and assisting in community outreach programs that helped vulnerable populations access legal aid. These experiences honed her ability to analyze complex legal issues and effectively communicate solutions.

In her professional role prior to articling, Vanessa was a team-lead assisting on extensive real estate transactions for builder deals and condominium development projects. She skillfully oversaw clerical aspects of these projects from their initial planning stages through to their successful completion while coordinating project efforts across multiple departments, integrating legal, financial, and operational aspects to enhance project flow and reduce risks. Her detailed approach involved drafting critical legal documents such as purchase agreements, assignment agreements, and compliance contracts, which were pivotal in navigating the complexities of real estate law. 

Vanessa's commitment to legal excellence and her proactive approach make her a valuable asset to our team at Bianchi Presta focused on delivering precise and actionable business solutions.

Outside of the office, Vanessa enjoys baking bread and spending time with her nephews.


  • University of Leicester, Faculty of Law, Juris Doctor, 2021
  • York University, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Honours Bachelor of Arts, 2018
